Writing Boot Sector Code

By Susam Pal on 19 Nov 2007


In this article, we discuss how to write our own "hello, world" program into the boot sector. At the time of this writing, most such code examples available on the web were meant for the Netwide Assembler (NASM). Very little material was available that could be tried with the readily available GNU tools like the GNU assembler (as) and the GNU linker (ld). This article is an effort to fill this gap.

Boot Sector

When the computer starts, the processor starts executing instructions at the memory address 0xffff:0x0000 (CS:IP). This is an address in the BIOS ROM. The machine instructions at this address begins the boot sequence. In practice, this memory address contains a JMP instruction to another address, typically 0xf000:0xe05b. This latter address contains the code to perform power-on self test (POST), perform several initialisations, find the boot device, load the code from the boot sector into memory, and execute it. From here, the code in the boot sector takes control. In IBM-compatible PCs, the boot sector is the first sector of a data storage device. This is 512 bytes in length. The following table shows what the boot sector contains.

Address Description Size in bytes
1b8440Optional disk signature4
1be446 Four 16-byte entries for primary partitions64

This type of boot sector found in IBM-compatible PCs is also known as master boot record (MBR). The next two sections explain how to write executable code into the boot sector. Two programs are discussed in the these two sections: one that merely prints a character and another that prints a string.

The reader is expected to have a working knowledge of x86 assembly language programming using GNU assembler. The details of assembly language won't be discussed here. Only how to write code for boot sector will be discussed.

The code examples were verified by using the following tools while writing this article:

  1. Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 (etch)
  2. GNU assembler (GNU Binutils for Debian) 2.17
  3. GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Debian) 2.17
  4. dd (coreutils) 5.97
  5. DOSBox 0.65
  6. QEMU 0.8.2

The following code prints the character 'A' in yellow on a blue background:

.section .text
.globl _start
  mov $0xb800, %ax
  mov %ax, %ds
  mov $0x1e41, %ax
  xor %di, %di
  mov %ax, (%di)
  jmp idle

We save the above code in a file, say a.s, then assemble and link this code with the following commands:

as -o a.o a.s
ld --oformat binary -o a.com a.o

The above commands should generate a 15-byte output file named a.com. The .code16 directive in the source code tells the assembler that this code is meant for 16-bit mode. The _start label is meant to tell the linker that this is the entry point in the program.

The video memory of the VGA is mapped to various segments between 0xa000 and 0xc000 in the main memory. The colour text mode is mapped to the segment 0xb800. The first two instructions copy 0xb800 into the data segment register, so that any data offsets specified is an offset in this segment. Then the ASCII code for the character 'A' (i.e., 0x41 or 65) is copied into the first location in this segment and the attribute (0x1e) of this character to the second location. The higher nibble (0x1) is the attribute for background colour and the lower nibble (0xe) is that of the foreground colour. The highest bit of each nibble is the intensifier bit. Depending on the video mode setup, the highest bit may also represent a blinking character. The other three bits represent red, green, and blue. This is represented in a tabular form below.

Background Foreground
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
0x1 0xe

We can be see from the table that the background colour is dark blue and the foreground colour is bright yellow. We assemble and link the code with the as and ld commands mentioned earlier and generate an executable binary consisting of machine code.

Before writing the executable binary into the boot sector, we might want to verify whether the code works correctly with an emulator. DOSBox is a pretty good emulator for this purpose. It is available as the dosbox package in Debian. Here is one way to run the executable binary file using DOSBox:

dosbox -c cls a.com

The letter A printed in yellow on a blue foreground should appear in the first column of the first row of the screen.

In the ld command earlier to generate the executable binary, we used the extension name com for the binary file to make DOSBox believe that it is a DOS COM file, i.e., merely machine code and data with no headers. In fact, the --oformat binary option in the ld command ensures that the output file contains only machine code. This is why we are able to run the binary with DOSBox for verification. If we do not use DOSBox, any extension name or no extension name for the binary would suffice.

Once we are satisfied with the output of a.com running in DOSBox, we create a boot image file with this command: sector with these commands:

cp a.com a.img
echo 55 aa | xxd -r -p | dd seek=510 bs=1 of=hello.img

This boot image can be tested with DOSBox using the following command:

dosbox -c cls -c 'boot a.img'

Yet another way to test this image would be to make QEMU x86 system emulator boot using this image. Here is the command to do so:

qemu-system-i386 -fda a.img

Finally, if you are feeling brave enough, you could write this image to the boot sector of an actual physical storage device, such as a USB flash drive, and then boot your computer with it. To do so, you first need to determine the device file that represents the storage device. There are many ways to do this. A couple of commands that may be helpful to locate the storage device are mount and fdisk -l. Assuming that there is a USB flash drive at /dev/sdx, the boot image can be written to its boot sector using this command:

cp a.img /dev/sdx

CAUTION: You need to be absolutely sure of the device path of the device being written to. The device path /dev/sdx is only an example here. If the boot image is written to the wrong device, access to the data on that would be lost.

Now booting the computer with this device should show display the letter 'A' in yellow on a blue background.

The following code prints the string "hello, world" in yellow on a blue background:


.section .text
.globl _start
  ljmp $0, $start
  mov $0xb800, %ax
  mov %ax, %ds
  xor %di, %di
  mov $message, %si
  mov $0x1e, %ah
  mov %cs:(%si), %al
  mov %ax, (%di)
  inc %si
  inc %di
  inc %di
  cmp $24, %di
  jne print
  jmp idle

.section .data
  .ascii "hello, world"

The BIOS reads the code from the first sector of the boot device into the memory at physical address 0x7c00 and jumps to that address. While most BIOS implementations jump to 0x0000:0x7c00 (CS:IP) to execute the boot sector code loaded at this address, unfortunately there are some BIOS implementations that jump to 0x07c0:0x0000 instead to reach this address. We will soon see that we are going to use offsets relative to the code segment to locate our string and copy it to video memory. While the physical address of the string is always going to be the same regardless of which of the two types of BIOS implementations run our program, the offset of the string is going to differ based on the BIOS implementation. If the register CS is set to 0 and the register IP is set to 0x7c00 when the BIOS jumps to our program, the offset of the string is going to be greater than 0x7c00. But if CS and IP are set to 0x07c0 and 0, respectively, when the BIOS jumps to our program, the offset of the string is going to be much smaller.

We cannot know in advance which type of BIOS implementation is going to load our program into memory, so we need to prepare our program to handle both scenarios: one in which the BIOS executes our program by jumping to 0x0000:0x7c00 as well as the other in which the BIOS jumps to 0x07c0:0x0000 to execute our program. We do this by using a very popular technique of setting the register CS to 0 ourselves by executing a far jump instruction to the code segment 0. The very first instruction in this program that performs ljmp $0, $start accomplishes this.

There are two sections in this code. The text section has the executable instructions. The data section has the string we want to print. The code copies the first byte of the string to the memory location 0xb800:0x0000, its attribute to 0xb800:0x0001, the second byte of the string to 0xb800:0x0002, its attribute to 0xb800:0x0003 and so on until it has advanced to 0xb800:0x0018 after having written 24 bytes for the 12 characters we need to print. The instruction movb %cs:(%si), %al copies one character from the string indexed by the SI register in the code segment into the AL register. We are reading the characters from the code segment because we will place the string in the code segment using the linker commands discussed later.

However, while testing with DOSBox, things are a little different. In DOS, the text section is loaded at an offset 0x0100 in the code segment. This should be specified to the linker while linking so that it can correctly resolve the value of the label named message. Therefore we will assemble and link our program twice: once for testing it with DOSBox and once again for creating the boot image.

To understand the offset at which the data section can be put, it is worth looking at how the binary code looks like with a trial linking with the following commands:

as -o hello.o hello.s
ld --oformat binary -Ttext 0 -Tdata 40 -o hello.com hello.o
objdump -bbinary -mi8086 -D hello.com
xxd -g1 hello.com

The -Ttext 0 option tells the linker to assume that the text section should be loaded at offset 0x0 in the code segment. Similarly, the -Tdata 40 tells the linker to assume that the data section is at offset 0x40.

The objdump command mentioned above disassembles the generated binary file. This shows where the text section and data section are placed.

$ objdump -bbinary -mi8086 -D hello.com

hello.com:     file format binary

Disassembly of section .data:

00000000 <.data>:
   0:   ea 05 00 00 00          ljmp   $0x0,$0x5
   5:   b8 00 b8                mov    $0xb800,%ax
   8:   8e d8                   mov    %ax,%ds
   a:   31 ff                   xor    %di,%di
   c:   be 40 00                mov    $0x40,%si
   f:   b4 1e                   mov    $0x1e,%ah
  11:   2e 8a 04                mov    %cs:(%si),%al
  14:   89 05                   mov    %ax,(%di)
  16:   46                      inc    %si
  17:   47                      inc    %di
  18:   47                      inc    %di
  19:   83 ff 18                cmp    $0x18,%di
  1c:   75 f3                   jne    0x11
  1e:   f4                      hlt
  1f:   eb fd                   jmp    0x1e
  3d:   00 00                   add    %al,(%bx,%si)
  3f:   00 68 65                add    %ch,0x65(%bx,%si)
  42:   6c                      insb   (%dx),%es:(%di)
  43:   6c                      insb   (%dx),%es:(%di)
  44:   6f                      outsw  %ds:(%si),(%dx)
  45:   2c 20                   sub    $0x20,%al
  47:   77 6f                   ja     0xb8
  49:   72 6c                   jb     0xb7
  4b:   64                      fs

Note that the ... above indicates zero bytes skipped by objdump. The text section is above these zero bytes and the data section is below them. Let us also see the output of the xxd command:

$ xxd -g1 hello.com
00000000: ea 05 00 00 00 b8 00 b8 8e d8 31 ff be 40 00 b4  ..........1..@..
00000010: 1e 2e 8a 04 89 05 46 47 47 83 ff 18 75 f3 f4 eb  ......FGG...u...
00000020: fd 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
00000030: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
00000040: 68 65 6c 6c 6f 2c 20 77 6f 72 6c 64              hello, world

Both outputs above show that the text section occupies the first 0x21 bytes (33 bytes). The data section is 0xc bytes (12 bytes) in length. Let us create a binary where the region from offset 0x0 to offset 0x20 contains the text section and the region from offset 0x21 to offset 0x2c contains the data section. The total length of the binary would then be 0x2d bytes (45 bytes). We will create a new binary as per this plan.

However while creating the new binary, we should remember that DOS would load the binary at offset 0x100, so we need to tell the linker to assume 0x100 as the offset of the text section and 0x121 as the offset of the data section, so that it resolves the value of the label named message accordingly. Moreover while testing with DOS, we must remove the far jump instruction at the top of our program because DOS does not load our program at physical address 0x7c00 of the memory. We create a new binary in this manner and test it with DOSBox with these commands:

grep -v ljmp hello.s > dos-hello.s
as -o hello.o dos-hello.s
ld --oformat binary -Ttext 100 -Tdata 121 -o hello.com hello.o

Now we can test this program with DOSBox with the following command:

dosbox -c cls hello.com

If everything looks fine, we assemble and link our program once again for boot sector and create a boot image with these commands:

as -o hello.o hello.s
ld --oformat binary -Ttext 7c00 -Tdata 7c21 -o hello.img hello.o
echo 55 aa | xxd -r -p | dd seek=510 bs=1 of=hello.img

Now we can test this image with DOSBox like this:

dosbox -c cls -c 'boot hello.img'

We can also test the image with QEMU with the following command:

qemu-system-i386 -fda hello.img

Finally, this image can be written to the boot sector as follows:

cp hello.img /dev/sdx

CAUTION: Again, one needs to be very careful with the commands here. The device path /dev/sdx is only an example. This path must be changed to the path of the actual device one wants to write the boot sector binary to.

Once written to the device successfully, the computer may be booted with this device to display the "hello, world" string on the screen.

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