TeX Live Packages in Debian 10

By Susam Pal on 17 Aug 2019

In this post, I document an overview of the various TeX Live packages available in Debian, their sizes, the faciliies they offer, and the relationship between these packages. I have referred to a fresh new Debian GNU/Linux 10.0 (buster) installation while writing this post.


Package Sizes

The table below shows the size of archives that are downloaded and the additional disk space that is used for each package installed with apt-get install command. Each size displayed include the size of the package being installed and the size of all dependencies that would be installed along with it.

Package Archives Disk Space
texlive-latex-base 59 MB 216 MB
texlive-latex-recommended 74 MB 248 MB
texlive-pictures 83 MB 277 MB
texlive-fonts-recommended 83 MB 281 MB
texlive 98 MB 314 MB
texlive-plain-generic 82 MB 261 MB
texlive-latex-extra 144 MB 452 MB
texlive-full 2804 MB 5358 MB

Package Details

Dependency Graph

Here's a dependency graph which shows how the various Debian packages for TeX Live depend on each other.

                             |   |   :   :
           +-----------------+   |   :   :..................
           |                     |   :                     :
           v                     |   :                     v
    texlive-pictures             |   :           texlive-plain-generic
           |                     |   :
           |    +----------------+   :...............
           |    |                                   :
           |    |              texlive              :
           |    |               | | |               :
           |    |    +----------+ | +----------+    :
           |    |    |            |            |    :
           v    v    v            |            v    v
    texlive-latex-recommended     |  texlive-fonts-recommended
                     |            |            :
                     |            |            v
                     |            |           tipa
                     |            |            |
                     +----------+ | +----------+
                                | | |
                                v v v

Here's the legend for the above graph:

          A                       A
          |                       :
          v                       v
          B                       B

    A depends on B          A recommends B

The texlive-full package depends on all of the packages shown above (except texlive of course because that's a metapackage).

Installation Choices

Considering everything I have mentioned above, I see the following good choices for installing TeX Live on Debian or Ubuntu.

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