A Friend is a Must Friendship's the wine of life - says Young Edward. The bible states - A faithful friend is the medicine of life. I can dare to say, a friend is the nicest reward, In fact a medicine you should have far and wide. A friend cleanses your dirtiest dust And so I say - A friend is a must. If there is not a friend to name, If there is not a person to help; You are a candle without a flame, A person who can't ever see himself. A friend is one you truly trust And so I say - A friend is a must. To live a life in high spirits, You need a friend far and near. To illume your minikin merits You need a friend very dear. A friend never lets rights rust And so I say - A friend is a must. A person who judges you very right, In your life who makes amend, A person who serves as your guide, Such a person is your friend. A friend is with you in the biggest bust And so I say - A friend is a must. A friend is a person who is almost a mother, Who can play the role of a father as well, Who never lets you get into hot water, Who is always there in your boat to sail. A friend searches you in the greatest gust And so I say - A friend is a must. To have a friend is a vast plus And so I say - A friend is a must. To be deprived of it is the worst curse And so I say - A friend is a must. A friend is a must, a friend is a must. I repeat - a friend is a must.