((:date "2021-03-05 15:30" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 1.1-1.3: Pages 13-16: Principle of Induction; Divisibility" :duration 40 :members 4) (:date "2021-03-06 10:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 1.1: Page 13: Principle of induction (Recap)" :duration 40 :members 5) (:date "2021-03-07 10:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 1.2: Page 14: Divisibility (Recap)" :duration 40 :members 5) (:date "2021-03-08 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 1.2-1.3: Pages 14-16: Divisibility, GCD" :duration 40 :members 6) (:date "2021-03-09 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 1.4-1.5: Pages 16-18: Prime numbers, Fundamental theorem of arithmetic " :duration 40 :members 10) (:date "2021-03-10 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 1.6: Pages 18-19: The series of reciprocals of primes" :duration 40 :members 10) (:date "2021-03-11 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 1.7-1.8: Pages 19-21: The Euclidean algorithm, GCD of more than two numbers" :duration 40 :members 11) (:date "2021-03-12 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 2.1-2.2: Pages 24-25: The Möbius function \\( \\mu(n) \\)" :duration 40 :members 9) (:date "2021-03-14 09:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 2.1-2.2: Pages 24-25 (Recap)" :duration 40 :members 5) (:date "2021-03-15 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 2.3-2.4: Pages 25-27: The Euler totient function \\( \\varphi(n), \\) A relation connecting \\( \\varphi \\) and \\( \\mu \\)" :duration 40 :members 12) (:date "2021-03-16 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 2.5-2.6: Pages 27-30: A product formula for \\( \\varphi(n), \\) The Dirichlet product of arithmetical functions" :duration 40 :members 14) (:date "2021-03-17 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 2.7-2.8: Pages 20-33: Dirichlet inverses and the Möbius inversion formula, The Mangoldt function \\( \\Lambda(n) \\)" :duration 40 :members 12) (:date "2021-03-18 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 2.7-2.8: Pages 20-33 (Recap)" :duration 40 :members 10) (:date "2021-03-19 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 2.9-2.10: Pages 33-36: Multiplicative functions, Multiplicative functions and Dirichlet multiplication" :duration 40 :members 9) (:date "2021-03-22 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 2.11-2.13: Pages 36-39: The inverse of a completely multiplicative function, Lioville's function \\( \\lambda(n), \\) The divisor functions \\( \\sigma_{\\alpha}(n) \\) " :duration 40 :members 10) (:date "2021-03-23 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 2.14: Pages 39-40: Generalized convolutions" :duration 40 :members 12) (:date "2021-03-24 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 2.15: Pages 41-42: Formal power series" :duration 30 :members 11) (:date "2021-03-25 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 2.16-2.17: Pages 42-45: The Bell series of an arithmetical function, Bell series and Dirichlet multiplication" :duration 40 :members 10) (:date "2021-03-26 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 2.18-2.19: Pages 44-46: Derivatives of arithmetical functions, The Selberg identity" :duration 40 :members 10) (:date "2021-03-29 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 3.1-3.3: Pages 52-55: The big oh notation, Euler's summation formula" :duration 40 :members 11) (:date "2021-03-30 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 3.4: Pages 55-57: Some elementary asymptotic formulas" :duration 40 :members 12) (:date "2021-03-31 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 3.5: Pages 57-59: The average order of \\( d(n) \\)" :duration 40 :members 12) (:date "2021-04-02 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 3.6: Pages 60-61: The average order of the divisor functions \\( \\sigma_{\\alpha}(n) \\)" :duration 40 :members 12) (:date "2021-04-05 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 3.7: Pages 61-62: The average order of \\( \\varphi(n) \\)" :duration 40 :members 11) (:date "2021-04-06 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 3.8-3.10: Pages 62-65: An application to the distribution of lattice points visibile from the origin, The average order of \\( \\mu(n) \\) and of \\( \\Lambda(n), \\) The partial sums of a Dirichlet product" :duration 40 :members 11) (:date "2021-04-07 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 3.11: Pages 66-69: An application to the distribution of lattice points visibile from the origin, The average order of \\( \\mu(n) \\) and of \\( \\Lambda(n), \\) The partial sums of a Dirichlet product" :duration 40 :members 10) (:date "2021-04-09 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 3.12: Pages 69-70: Another identity for the partial sums of a Dirichlet product" :duration 30 :members 9) (:date "2021-04-12 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 4.1-4.2: Pages 74-76: Cheybyshev's functions \\( \\psi(x) \\) and \\( \\vartheta(x) \\)" :duration 40 :members 8) (:date "2021-04-12 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 4.1-4.2: Pages 74-76: Cheybyshev's functions \\( \\psi(x) \\) and \\( \\vartheta(x) \\)" :duration 40 :members 8) (:date "2021-04-20 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 4.3: Pages 76-79: Relations connecting \\( \\vartheta(x) \\) and \\( \\pi(x) \\) (Abel's identity)" :duration 40 :members 7) (:date "2021-04-21 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 4.4: Pages 79-80: Some equivalent forms of the prime number theorem (Theorem 4.4)" :duration 40 :members 7) (:date "2021-04-22 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 4.4: Pages 80-82: Some equivalent forms of the prime number theorem (Theorem 4.5)" :duration 40 :members 9) (:date "2021-04-26 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 4.5: Pages 82-84: Inequalities of \\( \\pi(n) \\) and \\( p_n \\) (Theorem 4.6)" :duration 40 :members 9) (:date "2021-04-27 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 4.5: Pages 84-85: Inequalities of \\( \\pi(n) \\) and \\( p_n \\) (Theorem 4.7)" :duration 40 :members 9) (:date "2021-04-28 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 4.6-4.7: Pages 85-89: Shapiro's Tauberian theorem" :duration 40 :members 8) (:date "2021-04-29 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 4.8: Pages 89-91: An asymptotic formula for the partial sums \\( \\sum_{p \\le x} (1/p) \\)" :duration 40 :members 8) (:date "2021-04-30 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 4.9: Pages 91-94: The partial sums of the Möbius function (Theorems 4.13-4.14)" :duration 40 :members 8) (:date "2021-05-03 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 4.9: Pages 94-97: The partial sums of the Möbius function (Theorem 4.15)" :duration 40 :members 7) (:date "2021-05-05 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 4.9: Pages 97-98: The partial sums of the Möbius function (Theorem 4.16)" :duration 40 :members 7) (:date "2021-05-06 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 5.1-5.2: Pages 106-110: Definition and basic properties of congruences, Residue classes and complete residue systems" :duration 40 :members 5) (:date "2021-05-07 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 5.3: Pages 110-113: Linear congruences" :duration 40 :members 9) (:date "2021-05-11 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 5.4: Pages 113-114: Reduced residue systems and the Euler-Fermat theorem" :duration 40 :members 10) (:date "2021-05-12 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 5.5-5.6: Pages 114-116: Polynomial congruences modulo \\( p, \\) Lagrange's theorem, Applications of Lagrange's theorem (Wilson's theorem)" :duration 40 :members 10) (:date "2021-05-13 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 5.6-5.7: Pages 116-118: Wolstenholme's theorem, The Chinese remainder theorem" :duration 40 :members 11) (:date "2021-05-14 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 5.8: Pages 118-120: Applications of the Chinese remainder theorem" :duration 40 :members 9) (:date "2021-05-19 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 5.9: Pages 120-122: Polynomial congruences with prime power moduli" :duration 40 :members 8) (:date "2021-05-20 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 5.10: Pages 123-124: The principle of cross-classification (Theorem 5.31)" :duration 40 :members 8) (:date "2021-05-21 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 5.10-5.11: Pages 124-126: The principle of cross-classification (Theorem 5.32), A decomposition property of reduced residue system" :duration 40 :members 7) (:date "2021-05-25 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 6.1-6.3: Pages 129-131: Definitions, Examples of groups and subgroups, Elementary properties of groups" :duration 40 :members 12) (:date "2021-05-26 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 6.4: Pages 131-133: Construction of subgroups" :duration 40 :members 11) (:date "2021-05-27 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 6.5-6.6: Pages 133-136: Characters of finite abelian groups, The character group" :duration 40 :members 12) (:date "2021-05-28 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 6.7: Pages 136-137: The orthogonality relations for characters " :duration 40 :members 11) (:date "2021-05-31 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 6.8: Pages 137-140: Dirichlet characters" :duration 40 :members 11) (:date "2021-06-01 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 6.9: Pages 140-141: Sums involving Dirichlet characters" :duration 40 :members 9) (:date "2021-06-02 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 6.10: Pages 141-143: The nonvanishing of \\( L(1, \\chi) \\) for real nonprincipal \\( \\chi \\)" :duration 40 :members 7) (:date "2021-06-03 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 7.1-7.2: Pages 146-147: Dirichlet's theorem for primes of the form \\( 4n - 1 \\) and \\( 4n + 1 \\)" :duration 40 :members 7) (:date "2021-06-04 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 7.3-7.4: Pages 148-151: The plan of the proof of Dirichlet's theorem, Proof of Lemma 7.4" :duration 30 :members 7) (:date "2021-06-07 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 7.5: Pages 151-152: Proof of Lemma 7.5" :duration 40 :members 7) (:date "2021-06-10 18:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 7.6-7.9: Pages 152-155: Proof of Lemma 7.6, Proof of Lemma 7.8, Proof of Lemma 7.7, Distribution of primes in arithmetic progressions" :duration 40 :members 7) (:date "2021-06-15 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 8.1-8.2: Pages 157-160: Functions periodic modulo \\( k, \\) Existence of finite Fourier series for periodic arithmetical functions" :duration 40 :members 9) (:date "2021-06-16 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 8.3: Pages 160-162: Ramanujan's sum and generalizations" :duration 40 :members 8) (:date "2021-06-17 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 8.4: Pages 162-164: Multiplicative properties of the sums \\( s_k(n) \\)" :duration 40 :members 13) (:date "2021-06-18 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 8.5: Pages 165-166: Gauss sums associated with Dirichlet characters" :duration 40 :members 14) (:date "2021-06-21 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 8.6-8.7: Pages 166-168: Dirichlet characters with nonvanishing Gauss sums, Induced moduli and primitive characters" :duration 40 :members 12) (:date "2021-06-22 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 8.8: Pages 168-170: Further properties of induced moduli" :duration 40 :members 11) (:date "2021-06-23 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 8.9-8.10: Pages 171-173: The conductor of a character, Primitive characters and separable Gauss sums" :duration 40 :members 12) (:date "2021-06-24 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 8.11-8.12: Pages 174-174: The donductor of a character, Primitive characters and separable Gauss sums" :duration 40 :members 11) (:date "2021-06-28 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 9.1-9.2: Pages 178-180: Quadratic residues, Legendre's symbol and its properties" :duration 40 :members 9) (:date "2021-06-29 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 9.3: Pages 181-182: Evaluation of \\( (-1 \\mid p) \\) and \\( 2 \\mid p \\)" :duration 40 :members 9) (:date "2021-06-30 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 9.4: Pages 182-185: Gauss' lemma" :duration 40 :members 10) (:date "2021-07-01 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 9.5: Pages 185-187: The quadratic reciprocity law" :duration 40 :members 7) (:date "2021-07-02 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 9.7: Pages 187-190: The Jacobi symbol" :duration 40 :members 7) (:date "2021-07-06 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 9.8: Pages 190-192: Applications to Diophantine equations" :duration 40 :members 7) (:date "2021-07-07 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 9.9: Pages 192-193: Gauss sums and the quadratic reciprocity law (Theorems 9.13-9.14)" :duration 40 :members 8) (:date "2021-07-08 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 9.9: Pages 193-195: Gauss sums and the quadratic reciprocity law (Theorem 9.15)" :duration 40 :members 8) (:date "2021-07-09 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 9.10-9.11: Pages 195-201: The reciprocity law for quadratic Gauss sums, Another proof of the quadratic reciprocity law" :duration 40 :members 8) (:date "2021-07-13 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 10.1-10.3: Pages 204-206: The exponent of a number mod \\( m, \\) Primitive roots and reduced residue systems, The nonexistence of primitive roots mod \\( 2^{\\alpha} \\) for \\( \\alpha \\ge 3 \\)" :duration 40 :members 7) (:date "2021-07-14 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 10.4-10.5: Pages 206-208: The existence of primitive roots mod \\( p \\) for odd primes \\( p \\)" :duration 40 :members 7) (:date "2021-07-15 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 10.6-10.7: Pages 208-210: The existence of primitive roots mod \\( p^{\\alpha}, \\) The existence of primitive roots mod \\( 2p^{\\alpha} \\)" :duration 40 :members 8) (:date "2021-07-16 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 10.8-10.9: Pages 211-212: The nonexistence of primitive roots in the remaining cases, The number of primitive roots mod \\( m \\)" :duration 40 :members 7) (:date "2021-07-20 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 10.10: Pages 213-217: The index calculus" :duration 40 :members 7) (:date "2021-07-21 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 10.11: Pages 218-219: Primitive roots and Dirichlet characters" :duration 40 :members 7) (:date "2021-07-22 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 10.12: Page 220: Real-valued Dirichlet characters mod \\( p^{\\alpha} \\)" :duration 40 :members 6) (:date "2021-07-23 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 10.13: Pages 221-223: Primitive Dirichlet characters mod \\( p^{\\alpha} \\)" :duration 40 :members 8) (:date "2021-07-27 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 11.1-11.2: Pages 224-225: The half-plane of absolute convergence of a Dirichlet series" :duration 40 :members 7) (:date "2021-07-28 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 11.3-11.4: Pages 226-229: The function defined by a Dirichlet series, Multiplication of Dirichlet series" :duration 40 :members 6) (:date "2021-07-29 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 11.5: Pages 230-231: Euler products" :duration 40 :members 6) (:date "2021-07-30 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 11.5: Pages 231-232: Euler products (Examples)" :duration 40 :members 7) (:date "2021-08-03 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 11.6: Pages 232-234: The half-plane of convergence of a Dirichlet series" :duration 40 :members 7) (:date "2021-08-04 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 11.7: Pages 234-236: Analytic properties of Dirichlet series" :duration 40 :members 6) (:date "2021-08-05 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 11.8-11.9: Pages 236-239: Dirichlet series with nonnegative coefficients, Dirichlet series expressed as exponentials of Dirichlet series" :duration 40 :members 7) (:date "2021-08-06 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 11.8-11.10: Pages 240-241: Mean value formulas for Dirichlet series" :duration 40 :members 7) (:date "2021-08-10 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 11.11: Page 242: An integral formula for the coefficients of a Dirichlet series" :duration 40 :members 6) (:date "2021-08-11 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 11.12: Pages 243-245: An integral formula for the partial sums of a Dirichlet series (Lemma 4)" :duration 40 :members 7) (:date "2021-08-12 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 11.12-12.1: Pages 245-250: An integral formula for the partial sums of a Dicihlet series (Theorem 11.18: Perron's formula), Hurwitz zeta function" :duration 30 :members 6) (:date "2021-08-13 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 12.2-12.3: Pages 250-252: Properties of the gamma function, Integral representation of the Hurwitz zeta function" :duration 40 :members 7) (:date "2021-08-17 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 12.4: Pages 253-254: A contour integral representation for the Hurwitz zeta function" :duration 40 :members 7) (:date "2021-08-18 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 12.5-12.7: Pages 254-257: Analytic continuation of \\( \\zeta(s, a), \\) \\( \\zeta(s), \\) and \\( L(s, \\chi), \\) Hurwitz's formula for \\( \\zeta(s, a) \\)" :duration 40 :members 6) (:date "2021-08-19 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 12.7: Pages 257-259: Hurwitz's formula" :duration 35 :members 6) (:date "2021-08-20 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 12.8: Pages 259-260: The functional equation for the Riemann zeta function" :duration 35 :members 6) (:date "2021-08-24 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 12.9-12.10: Pages 261-262: The functional equations for the Hurwitz zeta function and L-functions" :duration 40 :members 6) (:date "2021-08-25 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 12.10-12.11: Pages 262-265: The functional equations for the L-functions, Evaluation of \\( \\zeta(-n, a) \\)" :duration 40 :members 7) (:date "2021-08-26 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 12.12: Pages 265-266: Properties of Bernoulli numbers and Bernoulli polynomials" :duration 40 :members 6) (:date "2021-08-31 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 12.12-12.13: Pages 267-268: Properties of Bernoulli numbers and Bernoulli polynomials, Formulas for \\( L(0, \\chi) \\)" :duration 45 :members 5) (:date "2021-09-01 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 12.14: Pages 268-270: Approximation of \\( \\zeta(s, a) \\) by finite sums" :duration 30 :members 7) (:date "2021-09-02 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 12.15-12.16: Pages 270-273: Inequalities for \\( \\lvert \\zeta(s, a) \\rvert, \\) \\( \\lvert \\zeta(s) \\rvert, \\) and \\( \\lvert L(s, \\chi) \\rvert \\)" :duration 40 :members 5) (:date "2021-09-03 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 13.1-13.2: Pages 278-281: The plan of the proof, Lemmas" :duration 40 :members 5) (:date "2021-09-07 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 13.2-13.3: Pages 281-284: Lemmas, A contour integral representation for \\( \\psi_1(x)/x^2 \\)" :duration 40 :members 6) (:date "2021-09-08 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 13.4-13.5: Pages 284-287: Upper bounds for \\( \\zeta(s) \\) and \\( \\zeta'(s) \\) near the line \\( \\sigma = 1, \\) The nonvanishing of \\( \\zeta(s) \\) on the line \\( \\sigma = 1 \\)" :duration 40 :members 5) (:date "2021-09-09 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 13.6-13.7: Pages 287-291: Inequalities for \\( 1/\\zeta(s) \\) and \\( \\zeta'(s)/\\zeta(s), \\) Completion of the proof of the prime number theorem" :duration 40 :members 4) (:date "2021-09-14 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 13.8-13.9: Pages 291-293: Zero-free regions for \\( \\zeta(s), \\) The Riemann Hypothesis" :duration 40 :members 5) (:date "2021-09-15 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 13.10: Pages 294-296: Applications to the divisor function" :duration 40 :members 5) (:date "2021-09-16 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 13.11: Pages 297-299: Application to Euler's totient" :duration 40 :members 4) (:date "2021-09-17 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 13.12-14.2: Pages 299-307: Extension of Pólya's inequality for character sums, Geometric representation of partitions" :duration 40 :members 4) (:date "2021-09-21 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 14.3: Pages 308-310: Generating functions for partitions" :duration 30 :members 4) (:date "2021-09-22 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 14.4: Pages 311-313: Euler's pentagonal-number theorem" :duration 35 :members 4) (:date "2021-09-28 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 14.5-14.7: Pages 313-318: Combinatorial proof of Euler's pentagonal-number theorem, Euler's recursion formula for \\( p(n), \\) An upper bound for \\( p(n) \\)" :duration 45 :members 8) (:date "2021-09-29 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Section 14.8: Pages 318-320: Jacobi's triple product identity" :duration 45 :members 6) (:date "2021-09-30 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 14.9-14.10: Pages 321-322: Consequences of Jacobi's identity, Logarithmic differentiation of generation functions" :duration 40 :members 5) (:date "2021-10-01 17:00" :slug "iant" :topic "Sections 14.10-14.11: Pages 323-324: Recursion formula for \\( p_{A,f}(n), \\) The partition identities of Ramanujan" :duration 35 :members 7) (:date "2022-12-16 20:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 1; Pages 1-18: Introduction" :duration 45 :members 11) (:date "2022-12-17 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 2: Pages 19-29: The Way of Emacs: Guiding Philosophy, Lisp, Extensibility" :duration 45 :members 9) (:date "2022-12-18 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 2: Pages 30-39: The Way of Emacs: Buffer, Window, Frame, Modeline, Echo Area, Minibuffer, Point, Mark, Major Modes, Minor Modes" :duration 60 :members 10) (:date "2022-12-23 20:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 3: Pages 40-47: First Steps: Starting Emacs, Emacs Client-Server" :duration 40 :members 11) (:date "2022-12-24 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 3: Pages 48-52: First Steps: The Emacs Interface, Keys" :duration 45 :members 9) (:date "2022-12-25 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 3: Pages 52-56: First Steps: Keys, Caps Lock as Control, M-x: Execute Extended Command" :duration 45 :members 9) (:date "2022-12-30 20:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 3: Pages 56-62: First Steps: M-S-x: Execute Extended Command for Buffer, Universal Arguments, Discovering and Remembering Keys" :duration 50 :members 8) (:date "2022-12-31 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 3: Pages 63-70: First Steps: Configuring Emacs, The Customize Interface" :duration 50 :members 6) (:date "2023-01-01 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 3: Pages 70-74: First Steps: Evaluating Elisp Code, The Package Manager, Custom Color Themes" :duration 45 :members 8) (:date "2023-01-06 20:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 3: Pages 74-80: First Steps: The Info Manual, Apropos" :duration 45 :members 8) (:date "2023-01-07 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 3: Pages 80-83: First Steps: The Describe System" :duration 45 :members 6) (:date "2023-01-08 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 4: Pages 84-91: The Theory of Movement: The Basics, Find File, Major mode load order" :duration 55 :members 6) (:date "2023-01-13 22:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 4: Pages 91-97: The Theory of Movement: Coding Systems, Line Endings, Save Buffer, Exit Emacs, Switch Buffer, Buffer Switching Alternatives" :duration 50 :members 10) (:date "2023-01-14 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 4: Pages 97-103: The Theory of Movement: Kill Buffer, Keyboard Escape, Undo" :duration 45 :members 8) (:date "2023-01-15 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 4: Pages 103-107: The Theory of Movement: Window Management, Working with Other Windows, Frame Management" :duration 40 :members 7) (:date "2023-01-20 20:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 4: Pages 108-113: The Theory of Movement: Tab Bars and Tab Lines, Tab Bar Mode, Tab Line Mode" :duration 40 :members 8) (:date "2023-01-21 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 4: Pages 113-120: The Theory of Movement: Navigation Keys, Moving by Character, Moving by Line" :duration 45 :members 5) (:date "2023-01-22 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 4: Pages 120-126: The Theory of Movement: Moving by Word" :duration 40 :members 7) (:date "2023-01-27 20:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 4: Pages 126-131: The Theory of Movement: Moving by S-Expressions" :duration 40 :members 7) (:date "2023-01-28 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 4: Pages 132-136: The Theory of Movement: Other Movement Commands: Moving by Paragraph, Moving by Sentence, Moving by Defun, Moving by Pages" :duration 45 :members 6) (:date "2023-01-29 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 4: Pages 136-139: The Theory of Movement: Scrolling" :duration 25 :members 5) (:date "2023-02-03 22:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 4: Pages 140-143: The Theory of Movement: Bookmarks and Registers" :duration 35 :members 8) (:date "2023-02-04 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 4: Pages 143-147: The Theory of Movement: Selections and Regions" :duration 40 :members 8) (:date "2023-02-05 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 4: Pages 147-152: The Theory of Movement: Selection Compatibility Modes, Setting the Mark" :duration 40 :members 3) (:date "2023-02-10 22:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 4: Pages 152-156: The Theory of Movement: Searching and Indexing" :duration 45 :members 6) (:date "2023-02-11 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 4: Pages 157-160: The Theory of Movement: Searching and Indexing" :duration 50 :members 3) (:date "2023-02-12 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 4: Pages 160-161: The Theory of Movement: Searching and Indexing" :duration 45 :members 4) (:date "2023-02-17 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 4: Pages 162-167: The Theory of Movement: Occur: Print and edit lines matching an expression, Imenu: Jump to Definitions" :duration 50 :members 8) (:date "2023-02-18 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 4: Pages 167-172: The Theory of Movement: Helm: Incremental Completion and Search" :duration 45 :members 5) (:date "2023-02-19 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 4: Pages 173-176: The Theory of Movement: IDO: Interactively DO Things" :duration 40 :members 5) (:date "2023-03-24 20:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 4: Pages 176-181: The Theory of Movement: Grep: Searching the file system" :duration 40 :members 7) (:date "2023-03-25 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 4: Pages 181-184: The Theory of Movement: Other Movement Commands, Conclusion" :duration 40 :members 5) (:date "2023-03-26 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 5: Pages 185-188: The Theory of Editing: Killing and Yanking Text" :duration 35 :members 5) (:date "2023-03-31 20:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 5: Pages 188-193: The Theory of Editing: Killing versus Deleting, Killing Lines" :duration 45 :members 6) (:date "2023-04-01 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 5: Pages 192-194: The Theory of Editing: Yanking Text, Transposing Text" :duration 35 :members 4) (:date "2023-04-02 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 5: Pages 194-200: The Theory of Editing: Transpose Characters, Transpose Words, Tranpose S-expressions, Other Transpose Commands" :duration 45 :members 4) (:date "2023-04-21 20:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 5: Pages 200-204: The Theory of Editing: Filling and Commenting" :duration 45 :members 5) (:date "2023-04-22 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 5: Pages 204-207: The Theory of Editing: Search and Replace, Case Folding" :duration 35 :members 4) (:date "2023-04-23 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 5: Pages 207-208: The Theory of Editing: Regular Expressions: Backslashed Constructs" :duration 40 :members 6) (:date "2023-04-28 20:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 5: Pages 208-211: The Theory of Editing: Regular Expressions: Emacs-Only Features" :duration 50 :members 9) (:date "2023-05-05 20:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 5: Pages 211-213: The Theory of Editing: Regular Expressions: Capturing Groups, Invoking Elisp" :duration 40 :members 9) (:date "2023-05-06 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 5: Pages 213-217: The Theory of Editing: Changing Case, Counting Things" :duration 35 :members 8) (:date "2023-05-07 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 5: Pages 217-220: The Theory of Editing: Editable Occur, Deleting Duplicates, Flushing and Keeping Lines, Copying and Killing Matching Lines" :duration 30 :members 5) (:date "2023-05-26 20:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 5: Pages 220-222: The Theory of Editing: Joining and Splitting Lines" :duration 40 :members 6) (:date "2023-05-27 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 5: Pages 223-225: The Theory of Editing: Whitespace Commands" :duration 30 :members 5) (:date "2023-05-28 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 5: Pages 225-227: The Theory of Editing: Keyboard Macros: Basic Commands" :duration 40 :members 6) (:date "2023-07-07 20:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 5: Pages 227-228: The Theory of Editing: Keyboard Macros: Prefix Arguments" :duration 45 :members 9) (:date "2023-07-08 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 5: Pages 228-229: The Theory of Editing: Keyboard Macros: Counter" :duration 40 :members 6) (:date "2023-07-09 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 5: Pages 229-231: The Theory of Editing: Keyboard Macros: Querying User Input, Recursive Edit" :duration 50 :members 7) (:date "2023-07-14 20:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 5: Pages 232-233: The Theory of Editing: Keyboard Macros: Saving and Recalling" :duration 40 :members 9) (:date "2023-07-15 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 5: Pages 233-235: The Theory of Editing: Keyboard Macros: Lossage, Practical Uses for Keyboard Macros" :duration 40 :members 5) (:date "2023-07-16 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 5: Pages 235-236: The Theory of Editing: Keyboard Macros: Practical Uses for Keyboard Macros" :duration 35 :members 6) (:date "2023-07-22 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 5: Pages 236-239: The Theory of Editing: Text Expansion: Abbrev" :duration 30 :members 5) (:date "2023-07-23 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 5: Pages 239-242: The Theory of Editing: Text Expansion: DAbbrev and Hippie Expand" :duration 45 :members 5) (:date "2023-07-29 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 5: Pages 242-244: The Theory of Editing: Indenting the Current Line" :duration 50 :members 3) (:date "2023-07-30 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 5: Pages 245-246: The Theory of Editing: Indenting Regions" :duration 40 :members 5) (:date "2023-08-05 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 5: Pages 246-250: The Theory of Editing: Sorting" :duration 45 :members 4) (:date "2023-08-06 10:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 5: Pages 250-255: The Theory of Editing: Aligning" :duration 50 :members 8) (:date "2023-09-15 20:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 5: Pages 256-257: The Theory of Editing: Zapping Characters" :duration 25 :members 5) (:date "2023-09-16 09:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 5: Pages 257-259: The Theory of Editing: Spell Checking, Dictionary Lookup, Quoted Insert" :duration 45 :members 4) (:date "2023-09-22 20:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 6: Pages 260-268: The Practical of Emacs: Exploring Emacs" :duration 50 :members 4) (:date "2023-09-23 09:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 6: Pages 269-272: The Practical of Emacs: Project Management" :duration 40 :members 5) (:date "2023-09-24 09:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 6: Pages 272-274: The Practical of Emacs: Xref" :duration 60 :members 9) (:date "2023-09-29 20:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 6: Pages 274-276: The Practical of Emacs: Working with Log Files" :duration 40 :members 7) (:date "2023-09-30 09:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 6: Pages 276-277: The Practical of Emacs: Working with Log Files, Browsing Other Files" :duration 35 :members 7) (:date "2023-10-06 20:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 6: Pages 277-278: The Practical of Emacs: Dired: Thumbnail Image Browser" :duration 40 :members 5) (:date "2023-10-07 09:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 6: Pages 278-279: The Practical of Emacs: DocView: Viewing Rich Documents" :duration 50 :members 7) (:date "2023-12-26 15:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 6: Pages 279-282: The Practical of Emacs: TRAMP: Remote File Editing" :duration 30 :members 6) (:date "2023-12-27 15:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 6: Pages 282-287: The Practical of Emacs: TRAMP: The Default Directory and Remote Editing, Multi-Hops and User Switching" :duration 65 :members 5) (:date "2023-12-28 21:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 6: Pages 287-293: The Practical of Emacs: EWW: Emacs Web Wowser; Dired: Navigation, Marking and Unmarking" :duration 60 :members 6) (:date "2023-12-29 15:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 6: Pages 294-298: The Practical of Emacs: Dired: Operations, Dired-X" :duration 65 :members 5) (:date "2023-12-30 12:00" :slug "mastering-emacs" :topic "Chapter 6: Pages 299-308: The Practical of Emacs: Dired: Working Across Directories, Shell Commands, Compiling in Emacs, Shells in Emacs: M-x shell, M-x ansi-term, M-x eshell; Chapter 7: Pages 319-314: Conclusion" :duration 90 :members 9) (:date "2024-07-27 19:00" :slug "real-analysis" :topic "Preface; Sections 1.1-1.2: Pages 1-3: Foreword, The Concept of Number" :duration 45 :members 5) (:date "2024-08-02 19:00" :slug "real-analysis" :topic "Sections 1.2-1.3: Pages 3-4: Irrationality of \\( \\sqrt{2} + \\sqrt{3} \\)" :duration 40 :members 5) (:date "2024-08-03 19:00" :slug "real-analysis" :topic "Section 1.3: Pages 4-7: The Language of Set Theory" :duration 40 :members 11) (:date "2024-08-04 19:00" :slug "real-analysis" :topic "Section 1.4: Pages 7-9: Real Numbers: Field, Ordered Field" :duration 40 :members 13) (:date "2024-08-17 19:00" :slug "real-analysis" :topic "Section 1.4: Pages 9-10: Real Numbers: Density Property, Archimedean Property, Completeness Property" :duration 40 :members 7) (:date "2024-09-21 19:00" :slug "real-analysis" :topic "Section 1.4: Pages 10-11: Real Numbers: Supremum and Infimum" :duration 25 :members 3) )