MathB 1.0.0
MathB 1.0.0 is the first major release of MathB since 2012, bringing significant updates to this web-based mathematics pastebin service.
The most notable change is a complete rewrite in Common Lisp, replacing the original PHP codebase. This shift reflects my preference for Lisp, a language I truly enjoy. It also makes the project easier for me to maintain actively.
This release introduces the use of the
TeXMe parser to
robustly parse and render posts written using Markdown and LaTeX.
Further, now there is support for dark colour scheme for systems
that have dark colour scheme enabled. For those who host this
service on their web servers, MathB now supports a runtime control
file named opt.lisp
where a number of properties of
this service can be customised. These customisable properties
include maximum title length, maximum code length, minimum time
interval between two posts, etc. See
for a detailed changelog.
To read more about this project, please see