CFRS[] 0.2.0
CFRS[] 0.2.0 is a minor update of CFRS[], an extremely minimal
drawing language consisting of only 6 simple commands. This update
brings minor changes to the built-in help screen that can be invoked
by typing ?
in the input pane. For example, the help
screen now has a direct links to built-in demos and community demos.
Further, based on community feedback, the description of
the ]
command has been updated with clearer language
that better clarifies that this command repeats a repeatable block
once (i.e., executes the repeatable block again). See
the changelog
for more details.
To read more about CFRS[], go to Visit cfrs.html to play with CFRS[] now and draw some nice pictures and animation. If you end up developing any cool demos, do share them by creating a new post here.